7. The Board of Trustees shall have powers:-
a. To frame financial estimate of the Trust.
b. To accept (FUNDS) on behalf of the Trust, endowments.
c. Bequeaths, donations in cash or other terms including
immovable properties and also to sell for the benefit for the Trust any properties of the Trust.
d. To appoint Auditors for Auditing of the accounts of the Trust and for making a report thereon.
e. To have over all powers and discretion to implement the objects of the Trust.
8. Dr. R. PUGAZHENDI, Founder of the Trust appoint and vested with powers by other trustees to execute present and register the Deed of Trust
himself alone on behalf of others.
b. Whereas the above trust applied to the Director of income Tax (Exemptions) for registration under see 12A(a) of the income tax Act 1961.
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